Effective Digital Marketing Strategies Customized for USA Businesses

Is your business making the most out of the opportunities that the online world has to offer? Konectd  provides highly effective digital marketing strategies for business owners. We can deliver customized digital marketing, digital advertising, and SEO solutions that will boost your brand and help you reach your business goals.

Digital Advertising

Our team of certified advertising specialists can run campaigns for you on multiple platforms and provide reports with proof of performance. We also own proprietary technology that can make the most of your budget to serve ads to the right audience.


Getting you listed on as many sites as possible is key to solidifying your online presence. We have a team of experts in listings management that can claim online listings in record time. Thanks to our proprietary software solutions and great relationships with data providers, we can ensure that your business information is always accurate and consistent.


Did you know that responding to reviews can increase the retention rate by 124%? A strong online reputation can go a long way, but it takes time to build. Responding to and requesting new reviews can take your focus away from selling to more customers, so let Konectd do that work on your behalf!


A solid social media presence can help you engage with customers, but writing great content is much harder than it looks. Konectd has creative writers who are experts in social media. We’ll work with you to find the right tone and craft social posts that promote your business.


Without a powerful website, you’re losing potential customers. If you don’t have the time or staff to build websites on your own, hand off the job to Konectd. From landing pages to e-commerce, we have a proven process to make your website look great and load fast.


SEO can drive your sales. Konectd uses multiple applications to boost your visibility on Google and other search engines.

Customer Experience

 It’s in your best interest to be helpful and deliver valuable information to your customers. At Konectd, we have a team of fantastic writers that can create blogs and email campaigns with industry-focused content. We know it’s not easy to find good writers out there; you’ll be impressed by the quality of our work.

Konectd Company, LLC
Discover digital marketing strategies that work. Call (507) 261-0379 or contact us via this website.